Monday, September 8, 2008

a few final things

Well, I'm back here in Ol' Nebraska. If you are still reading, thanks!

I'm two weeks behind on school, broke, and moving in to a new dorm all at the same time. Additionally I'm running for Student Body President at UNO (elections are on September 30 and November 1- vote for me!)so the next month will be the craziest of my life. Those two weeks will not be forgotten.

Here are a couple links that you might enjoy.

A story on me by the Daily Nebraskan- Lincoln's student newspaper. Turned out well. The Gateway may be doing one as well.

Here's an article about some of the group of volunteers I worked with in Denver.

And a link to the Conan O'Brien I almost made. I might be in the background, not sure. My segment is between about 6 and 12 minutes in. Also Christian Lander is on the show... I love his blog.

This story is exactly why we did what we did.

I've had a number of requests to keep the web log going as a political commentary or something along those lines. While this is something I may do in the future, I'm overwhelmed with everything right now and I'm packed through October 1.

Thanks again everyone!

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