Friday, August 29, 2008

my dream pick

I love Sarah Palin.

I mean, I really love Sarah Palin. She's an amazing Republican, has an incredible story, exceptionally eloquent, and beatuiful to boot.

I've always wanted Governor Palin to be the veep nominee- although I didn't really believe she would get it. I gushed about her in the post "rough rnc schedule released"

Here's why she's great. Dems can't really say she's inexperienced: she has more leadership experience than Obama and only two years less in a key position. She represents change more than Joe Biden: Biden has been a Washington insider for 30+ years (McCain has been in D.C. for 20-some). Palin brings the female vote in to play: Obama snubbed a woman, McCain picked one. Enough Said.

I have to give a shout out to a friend of mine named Adam Brickley. He started a blog at roughly the same time McCain won the primary race- March or so- with the sole intent of getting Palin named as the running mate. Most of the time I thought he was tilting at windmills... guess I was wrong.

My only regret is that I haven't gotten a picture with her... and now that has become nearly impossible unless McCain loses this fall.

My enthusiasm for teh PResidential election just doubled.

McCain/Palin '08!

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