Thursday, September 4, 2008

palin-tastic pictures!

Sadly, none of my pictures of Sarah Palin turned out all that well. Sigh. But here are some other good ones.

My chest.

I need to talk about the backdrop of the stage. It is a giant HD television screen, and the background is not a picture, but a slow-motion picture taking place- at one point a boat passed along the New York skyline. Also cool is the fact that the stage is essentially a mirror reflecting the screen.

I met Cowboy Troy! If it weren't fact that he sang the national anthem, I wouldn't have noticed him. Well, he was the only 6'6, African American in a cowboy hat, so I would have noticed him. But I wouldn't have known who he was!

The Nebraska delegation's seating assignment. I really want that sign.

This booth is where all of the VVVIP's (Very, Very, Very Important People) sit- Cindy McCain, Todd Palin, the Palin kids, the kid that got Bristol pregnant, etc...

Me with Triumph the Comic Insult Dog and Robert Smigel!

The contract NBC made me sign because I was in the background of footage that may or may not be used on Late Night with Conan O'Brien! I can't sue them!

Me with Henry Kissinger!

The teleprompter Sarah, Mitt, and company read from and the cameras they look in to.

The McCain/Palin '08 sign built in to the wall.

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